суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

fmi common stock fund

This is from yahoo news (emphasis mine):

"WOODBRIDGE, Va. ndash; A top aide to John McCain said Saturday the Republican presidential nominee still has a strong chance of winning the state because of his support in "real Virginia," the downstate areas far removed in distance and political philosophy from the more liberal northern part of the state.

"As a proud resident of Oakton, Va., I can tell you that the Democrats have just come in from the District of Columbia and moved into northern Virginia," McCain senior adviser Nancy Pfotenhauer said on MSNBC. "And thatapos;s really what you see there. But the rest of the state, real Virginia, if you will, I think will be very responsive to Sen. McCainapos;s message.""

Reality check: most Americans live in cities.

Most Americans live near the coast or in large cities because thatapos;s where the jobs are.� (Think of how many people you know in Houston, or Hampton Roads, or New York, Or Washington DC, or wherever, and thatapos;s where they went because thatapos;s where they could find a job.� Think of how many people live in the city because thatapos;s where their parents found work and they wanted to stay close to family.� Think of how many people move from the country to the city because they canapos;t make a living in the country.

News flash: We are all Americans.� Big cities, small towns, urban, suburban, rural...weapos;re all Americans.� Can you imagine what would happen if a candidate said that small-town America or rural America werenapos;t Americans?� Werenapos;t real Americans? �Thatapos;s exactly what McCainapos;s aide said here.�

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пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

dump roll system tarp trailer

My stomach is queasy, and Iapos;m willing to say that itapos;s feeling that way because of last nightapos;s dinner, even if I did drink about four cups of tea in the last three hours. I was in severe pain from Swiss Chalet, which appeared to feel better when I woke up for work today. But then, two hours later, my stomach acted up again. So I wound up working for only three hours, taking my pitiful stomach home for rest. Slept for three and a half hours, waking up at half-past noon. I was in bed at eight, but was listening to the radio to drown out everyone else.

I had chicken noodle for soup, which seemed to fit me fine. If I have anything for dinner, I might just have some more soup. I donapos;t want to push my stomach.

Between the Swiss Chalet and the milk from earlier this week, and stuffing myself to the gills on Thanksgiving, my stomach has been in bad shape.

And on another ugh matter? Iapos;m working on Sunday, but it might not be all that bad. At least I can guarantee no one will screw up the freezers. The students on the weekend, or whoever is responsible for the truck on Sundays, donapos;t know how to organise the freezers at all.
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authority sports vegas

I met 3 of the 5 goals from yesterday. I made goals to do crunches and pushups that I completely forgot about.

35 minutes of C25K Week 3
45 minutes of "The Firm: Cardio Overdrive"

1 1/2 mini bagels, pineapple, grapes, and juice
Leftover Chicken Crispers
Taffy Apple
Cheeseburger with lettuce and onion
Rice Kripsy Treat


Community goals:
5 servings :-D

Goals for today
-Take a walk
-64oz water
-Start the 100 pushups program
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17/10/09 marks the end of my journey in JJC. Iapos;ve met alot of people in this school and been through ALOT. Of course, there are good and bad things. Every single friendship that iapos;ve made is precious. Every setbacks has its lesson. All those mistakes that iapos;ve made must be forgiven. Well, iapos;ll choose to leave and take those happy memories with me (:

to start with, i entered this school last yearapos;s january, not knowing what my jc life is going to be. Am i going to continue to be that ignorant mugger that i used to be in secondary school days? or is there something else? and then comes cca day, im pondering about what cca should i join? so i took up my courage to join the basketball team, my new found passion those trainings not only train my stamina and skills, but also increased my tolerance level and made me a better person. To be able to work as in team, those teammates really made it happened. Although i dont think iapos;ll pursue any further for basketball, that doesnt mean my passion stopped burning. I think iapos;ll still stop by the court and stare at those people playing, close my eyes to hear the sound of the dribbling and those friction noise, cos it has already become a reflex action (:�

moreover, i got to know some soulmates. I think fate really brought us tgt, if not for those events that happened, we wont have become the threesome that we are today. Iapos;ve got friends to share weals and woes with me. They tolerated me for being stubborn, ignorant and when i always have a strong pride. They make me feel that i dont need a mask on my face, and i can just be ME. They gave wise advices in times of troubles and lend me their shoulder when everything seems so crappy. They are the ones who offer me an umbrella when the rain falls. In fact, thats how we met actually, if you happen to recall (: its really beyond words that could describe how thankful i am to have you all with me.

well to the four of us, i really dont know how we ended up like this, but i still appreciate those happy moments that we have. Maybe in the future, we are just some hi bye friends and im feeling quite sore about that. Or perhaps i could put down all those differences and we could get back to those old days, roll our bodies on the soccer field and have fun. Today, i took the first move, forgetting all those that had happened and wish you good luck for the exams. You gave me a hug and at that moment, i really do feel yr genuine blessing. Thanks (:

lastly im lucky to be in such a funky class. Iapos;ve met my great companion who taught me many things and turned me into someone more sociable. thanks to her (: also, those fun times with the class just keep happening, those mahjong sessions, kbox sessions. Playing captain ball is our favourite (: after today, we wont be able to see each other that often, iapos;ll certainly miss those times with them. Today i had a fun time with the class and i hope this will not be the last class outing. Anyway, iapos;ll be looking forward to prom night (:

all the best to those fellow friends that are taking Alvls this year�as for me, iapos;ve got 16 days left, thereapos;s no more time to waste now and i really want to get into local university. JIAYOU�lingdi�

now im speechless, over the edge, and im breathless (:

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